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The development of an operational sea ice mapping system. This metadata record refers to the development and testing of an prototype system, ICEMAPPER, to interpret NOAA AVHRR imagery on a semi-automatic basis, off the Southern Ocean near to the Antarctic coast. From the abstract of one of the referenced papers: This paper reports work towards the development of a semi-automated technique for creating sea-ice and cloud maps from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) images of the Southern Ocean near to the Antarctic coast. The technique is implemented as a computer-based system which applies a number of classification rules to the five bands of an AVHRR image and classifies each pixel in the image as representing open water, low cloud, high cloud or one of several different sea ice concentration categories. The map produced by the system is then displayed and an experienced sea ice forecaster evaluates the result. If it is deemed satisfactory the map is saved on disk. If not, the expert can alter various parameters within the classification rules to produce a satisfactory map. Experience so far has shown that judicious, but reasonably minor, changes to the rule parameters can produce a satisfactory sea-ice map relatively quickly in most cases. The system is also capable of effectively distinguishing cloudy from clear pixels but it does not accurately distinguish high cloud from low cloud in some of the images. Current work is being undertaken to improve the cloud classification rules.
This dataset (provided as a series of CF-compatible netcdf file) consists of 432 consecutive maps of Antarctic landfast sea ice, derived from NASA MODIS imagery. There are 24 maps per year, spanning the 18 year period from March 2000 to Feb 2018. The data are provided in a polar stereographic projection with a latitude of true scale at 70 S (i.e., to maintain compatibility with the NSIDC polar stereographic projection).
This dataset comprises high spatial- and temporal-resolution maps of coastal landfast sea ice (fast ice) distribution in the vicinity of the Cape Darnley Polynya in East Antarctica, in the June-November (winter-spring) periods of 2008 and 2009. The maps were derived from cross-correlation of pairs of spatially-overlapping Envisat Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) images, using a modified version of the IMCORR algorithm to determine vectors of sea-ice motion (as described in Giles et al., 2011). Fast ice is then distinguished from moving pack ice by the fact that it is stationary. The raw ASAR WSM data (swath width 500 km) were processed using ENVI image processing software to produce geo-referenced images with a 75m pixel size. Use of SAR data ensures coverage uninterrupted by cloud cover or polar darkness. Image pairs were chosen with a time separation between 2 and 21 days. IMCORR processing of the image pairs for mapping fast ice follows Giles et al (2011) – using a reference tile size of 32x32 pixels and a search tile size of 64 x 64 pixels. A land mask was applied to avoid contamination from matches on stationary features over the continental ice sheet. The grid spacing was set to 16 x 16 pixels, so the images were over-sampled by a factor of 2 to provide a more dense set of results. Stationary fast ice vectors were chosen from the IMCORR results using a combination of the cluster search technique and a variation of the z-axis threshold technique as detailed in Giles et al (2011). The cluster search technique was applied to the IMCORR results from each image pair to derive the initial set of valid vectors – this set could contain both stationary fast ice vectors and non-stationary pack ice vectors. Due to registration errors in the image pairs, the stationary vectors will not necessarily be centred around zero, so using a simple window around the zero offset mark to differentiate the fast ice vectors was not possible. To select the stationary vectors, a 2D histogram was constructed from the X-Y vector displacements, and a 2D Gaussian was fitted to this histogram. The fast ice vectors will dominate because of the large image pair time separation and small search tile size, so the Gaussian peak should correspond to the centre of the stationary fast ice vectors. All vectors that are within 5 standard deviations of the Gaussian peak are tagged as valid fast ice vectors. This is a minor modification to the method of Giles et al (2011), who used a simple threshold cut on the z-axis of the 2D histogram to define the fast ice vectors. Data format – one fully annotated (self-describing) netCDF file per image pair containing latitude/longitude coordinates of the stationary fast ice vectors. This technique and dataset complement a lower resolution but longer-term dataset (2000-2014) derived from satellite MODIS visible and thermal infrared data. (AAS_4116_Fraser_fastice_mawson_capedarnley).
From the abstract of one of the papers: Phytoplankton biomass and speciation were monitored at an inshore site near Davis Station, East Antarctica during three consecutive summer seasons (December-February, 1992-5). Four distinct phytoplankton assemblages were identified in which the dominant species were: Phaeocystis sp., an undescribed Cryptomonas species, Thalassiosira dichotomica, and a mixed assemblage containing Fragilariopsis spp. and Nitzschia spp. Little interannual consistency was found in either the timing of the appearance or disappearance of the various assemblages. Similarly, the seasonal trends in biomass varied dramatically from year to year. Variations in the phytoplankton community can be ascribed, to some extent, to the random variation in a number of factors, including the date of fast ice break out, water column stratification, temperature and salinity, zooplankton grazing and strong winds. Periods of strong wind result in the introduction of offshore or deeper water masses into the shallow inshore environment, where the physical and chemical conditions allow blooms to develop. A number of the papers listed in the reference section are available as pdf's in the download section.
During the winter and spring of 2002, underwater calling rates were measured near mid-day on an opportunistic basis at 7 breeding sites and, at two breeding sites, over 24 hour periods once a month. The data were analysed with respect to reproductive season (early ice formation, prebreeding, pupping and mating) and if the recordings were made when it was dark or twilight/light. Taken from the abstract of the paper referenced below: Underwater vocalisation monitoring and surveys, both on ice and underwater, were used to determine if Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) near Mawson Station, Antarctica, remain under the fast ice during winter within close range of breeding sites. Daytime and nighttime underwater calling rates were examined at seven breeding sites during austral winter and spring to identify seasonal and diel patterns. Seals rarely hauled out at any of the sites during winter, although all cohorts (adult males, females, and juveniles) were observed underwater and surfacing at breathing holes throughout winter (June-September) and spring (October-December). Seal vocalisations were recorded during each sampling session throughout the study (n=102 daytime at seven sites collectively, and n=5 24-h samples at each of two sites). Mean daytime calling rate was low in mid-winter (July) (mean = 18.9 plus or minus 7.1 calls per minute) but increased monthly, reaching a peak during the breeding season (November) (mean = 62.6 plus or minus 15.7 calls per minute). Mean nighttime calling rate was high throughout the winter and early spring (July-October) with mean nocturnal calling rate in July (mean = 61.8 plus or minus 35.1 calls per minute) nearly equal to mean daytime calling rate in November (during 24-h daylight). Reduced vocal behaviour during winter daylight periods may result from animals utilising the limited daylight hours for nonvocal activities, possibly feeding. The following study sites were among those used in this project (provided by Phil Rouget): - Forbes site (identified as Site 6 in the paper) is located at Forbes Glacier (approx. 0.5 km to the west of the glacier tongue and approximately 200 meters offshore of the mainland). (67 degrees 35.256 minutes S, 62 degrees 16.756 minutes E) - Kista site is located in the middle of Kista Strait (site 7 in the Marine Mammal Science paper). (67 degrees, minutes 33.840 S, 62 degrees 47.402, minutes E) - SPA site was our site located just west of the western boundary of the SPA which itself is located west of Mawson and east of Forbes Glacier. (Site 2 in Marine Mammal Science paper). (67 degrees 35.179 S, 62 degrees 25.425 minutes E) - McDonald Islands (or Rocks) was the site located North/NorthWest of Kista Strait, as it is named so on the Framens Mtn. Nautical Chart. From memory, it was approximately 12 km north/north west of Mawson Station. (This was site 5 in the Marine Mammal Science paper). (67 degrees 29.414 minutes S, 62 degrees 41.011 minutes E) - Stewart Rocks (also named Sewart Rocks on an alternative map) is located due north of Mawson Station, also by about 12 km. (East of McDonald site, and North East of Kista). This was site 4 in the Marine Mammal Science paper. (67 degrees 29.933 minutes S, 62 degrees 51.765 minutes E) - Anderson Rocks is an extensive group of rocky islets west of Auster Island (approximately 6-7 km offshore). This was site 3 in the Marine Mammal Science paper. (67 degrees 26.445 minutes S, 63 degrees 25.414 minutes E) - SEAL MO was located just north of Macey Hut by about 2 km. This was site 1 in the Marine Mammal Science paper. (67 degrees 23.399 minutes S, 63 degrees 47.977 minutes E) - Aside from SEAL MO and SPA, the names from all these sites are indicated in the Framnes Mountain Chart. An image showing the locations of the fields sites is also part of the download file. The fields in this dataset are: Site Period Day Calling rate photoperiod Sun time
ASPeCt is an expert group on multi-disciplinary Antarctic sea ice zone research within the SCAR Physical Sciences program. Established in 1996, ASPeCt has the key objective of improving our understanding of the Antarctic sea ice zone through focussed and ongoing field programs, remote sensing and numerical modelling. The program is designed to complement, and contribute to, other international science programs in Antarctica as well as existing and proposed research programs within national Antarctic programs. ASPeCt also includes a component of data rescue of valuable historical sea ice zone information. The overall aim of ASPeCt is to understand and model the role of Antarctic sea ice in the coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean system. This requires an understanding of key processes, and the determination of physical, chemical, and biological properties of the sea ice zone. These are addressed by objectives which are: 1) To establish the distribution of the basic physical properties of sea ice that are important to air-sea interaction and to biological processes within the Antarctic sea-ice zone (ice and snow cover thickness distributions; structural, chemical and thermal properties of the snow and ice; upper ocean hydrography; floe size and lead distribution). These data are required to derive forcing and validation fields for climate models and to determine factors controlling the biology and ecology of the sea ice-associated biota. 2) To understand the key sea-ice zone processes necessary for improved parameterization of these processes in coupled models. These ASPeCt measurements were taken onboard the Aurora Australis during the SIPEX voyage in the 2007-2008 summer season.
This dataset contains observations of ice conditions taken from the bridge of the RV Aurora Australis during SIPEX 2012, following the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research/CliC Antarctic Sea Ice Processes and Climate [ASPeCt] protocols. See Observations include total and partial concentration, ice type, thickness, floe size, topography, and snow cover in each of three primary ice categories; open water characteristics, and weather summary. The dataset is comprised of the scanned pages of a single logbook, which holds hourly observations taken by observers while the ship was moving through sea-ice zone. The following persons assisted in the collection of these data: Dr R. Massom, AAD, Member of observation team Mr A. Steer, AAD, Member of observation team Prof S. Warren, UW(Seattle), USA, Member of observation team Dr J. Hutchings, IARC, UAF, USA, Member of observation team Dr T. Toyota, Inst Low Temp Science, Japan, Member of observation team Dr T. Tamura, NIPR, Japan, Member of EM observation team Dr G. Dieckmann, AWI, Germany, Member of observation team Dr E. Maksym, WHOI, USA, Member of observation team Mr R. Stevens, IMAS, Trainee on observation team Dr J. Melbourne-Thomas, ACE CRC, Trainee on observation team Dr A. Giles, ACE CRC, Trainee on observation team Ms M. Zhia, IMAS, Trainee on observation team Ms J. Jansens, IMAS, Trainee on observation team Mr R. Humphries, Univ Wollengong, Trainee on observation team Mr C. Sampson, Univ Utah, USA, Trainee on observation team Mr Olivier Lecomte, Univ Catholique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Trainee on observation team Mr D. Lubbers, Univ Utah, USA, Trainee on observation team Ms M. Zatko, UW(Seattle), USA, Trainee on observation team Ms C. Gionfriddo, Uni Melbourne, Trainee on observation team Mr K. Nakata, EES, Japan, Trainee on observation team
These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: United States Vessel: Nathaniel B. Palmer Dates in ice: 1 Sept 2007 - 31 Oct 2007 Observers: Penelope Wagner, John Pena, Sarah Anderson and others. Summary of voyage track: 06/09 3 GMT first record of ice edge at approx. 63 degrees 22 S, and 68 degrees 25 W toward Palmer Station, Antarctica in the Amundsen Sea due to electrical fire that began in Drake's Passage en route to the Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica. 19 GMT arrived at NBP at Palmer Station, Antarctica at 64 degrees 46S and 64 degrees 04W to respond to safety protocol with NSF and Raytheon. 08/09 18:30 GMT depart Palmer Station toward Punta Arenas, Chile port. 09/09 22 GMT reach ice edge toward Chile. 24/09 17 GMT first record of ice edge at approx. 66 degrees 47S and 89 degrees 05W toward ice station Belgica in Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica. 27/09 23GMT NBP parked at approximately 70 degrees 41S and 90 degrees 58W at Ice Station Belgica to perform 4 week station work. 24/10 10:30 GMT depart Ice Station Belgica toward Punta Arenas, Chile 27/10 8GMT reached ice edge. Total observations: 192 The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER HH:MM:SS VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD IN OKTAS WEATHER CODE COMMENTS
Imagery of Aurora Australis and sea ice captured by a 'quadcopter' (Inspire) drone launched from the ship
These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: Australia Vessel: Aurora Australis Dates in ice: 29 Mar 1993 - 30 Mar 1993 Observers: Tony Worby, Vicky Lytle, Rob Massom, Paul Scott, Kelvin Michael Summary of voyage track: Short transect south of the ice edge at approx 65S, along approx 140E. This voyage was cut short due to a medical emergency only one day after entering the pack ice. The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS