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  • A GPS survey of seabirds on Heard Island during the Australian Antarctic Program's 2000/01 expedition. This layer is stored as two datasets (polygon and point) in the Geographical Information System (GIS). Polygon data represent flying bird and penguin colony extents. Point data represent nest locations and the location of the observation point for flying birds and penguins.

  • Population connectivity and gene flow in near shore Antarctic Echinoids (Sterechinus neumayeri, Abatus nimrodi and Abatus ingens) was investigated in East Antarctica. This data set consists of microsatellite genotype data from 11 novel loci and mitochondrial DNA sequences from two gene region, COI and 16S. In addition, to determine if changes in temperature and salinity impacted fertilisation success in S. neumayeri, and to determine the appropriate sperm to egg ratio for this type of experiment, a fertilisation experiment was completed using various combinations of temperature, salinity and sperm to egg ratio. Samples were collected near two Australian Antarctic research stations, Casey and Davis, during the 08/09 and 09/10 summer field seasons. To generate the microsatellite data set, a total of 545 adults, nuemayeri and 26 echinoplutei were collected. Spatial replication was achieved by comparing adult populations between two regions (Casey and Davis). These two regions are separated by approximately 1400 km. Sampling in the Casey region was done at two locations 9 km apart and in the Davis region at five locations separated by 5 - 30 km. Within each location 25-50 individuals were collected from up to three sites approximately 0.5 km apart. Within each site, all individuals were collected within an area less than 50 m2. Adult urchins were collected by dip nets, snorkel or scuba depending on location. Echinoplutei were collected from the water column in two locations in the Davis region using a purpose built plankton net. DNA was extracted using QiagenDNeasy Blood and Tissue extraction kits as per the manufacturer's protocols. PCR amplification was carried out in four multiplex reactions and analysis of the PCR product was carried out on a CEQ 8000 (Beckman Coulter) automated sequencer by capillary separation, and alleles scored as fragment size using CEQ 8000 Genetic Analysis System software (ver. 8.0). Data available: Data consists of 571 individual genotypes at 11 loci in an excel spreadsheet following the GenAlEx v 6.41 layout. Sites from the Davis region are; Old Wallow 1 (OW1), Old Wallow 2 (OW2), Boyd Island (BO1), Ellis Fjord 1 (EL1), Ellis Fjord 2 (EL2), Ellis Fjord 3 (EL3), Trigwell Island 1 (TR1), Trigwell Island 2 (TR2), Trigwell Island 3 (TR3), Zappit Point 1 (ZP1), Zappit Point 2 (ZP2), Zappit Point 3 (ZP3). Sites from the Casey region are; Browning Peninsula 1 (CB1), Browning Peninsula 2 (CB2), Browning Peninsula 3 (CB3), Sparkes Bay 1 (CS1), Sparkes Bay 2 (CS2).Echinoplutei samples are Hawker Island (D1); Kazak Island 1 (K1); Kazak Island 2 (K2) Data is coded as fragment length, with a zero value representing no data. To generate the mtDNA sequence data, a total of 24 S. neumayeri individuals were sequenced for the COI gene region with two haplotypes found. For the 16S gene region, 25 individuals were sequenced with three haplotypes founds. For Abatusingens, 51 individuals were sequenced with six CO1 haplotypes and five 16S haplotypes. For Abatus nimrodi (n = 48) there were two CO1 haplotypes and eight 16S haplotypes. In addition, eight A. shackeltoni, four A. philippii and one A. cavernosus sample were included from the Davis region. Data available: data are available in four FASTA text format files, one for Abatus COI data, one forAbatus 16S data, one for Sterechinus COI data. Individuals are coded with the first two letters representing species (SN = S. neumayeri, AN = A. nimrodi, AI = A. ingens, AS = A. shackletoni, AC= A. cavernosus) the next two representing gene region (CO = COI, 16 = 16S) and either three or four more digits for Davis region samples or five digits beginning with 41 for Casey region samples. To generate the fertilisation data set, S. neumayeri were collected from Ellis Fjord prior to ice breakout. A total of 12 individuals were screened for the fertilisation experiment, seven males and five females to ensure a suitable cross where greater than 90% fertilisation success was achievable. Sperm were activated with FSW at -1.8 degrees C and sperm concentration determined using a haemocytometer. Three temperature treatments, (-1.8 degrees C, 1 degrees C and 3 degrees C), three salinity treatments (35ppt, 30ppt and 25ppt), and five sperm to egg ratios (50:1, 100:1, 500:1, 1500:1 and 2500:1) were used during fertilisation, with four replicates at each temperature:salinity:sperm to egg ratio combination. After 30 min, three to five drops of 10% formalin were added to each vial to fix eggs and to prevent further fertilisation from occurring. To determine percentage fertilisation, the first 100 eggs encountered from each vial were scored as either fertilised or unfertilised based on the presence or absence of an elevated fertilisation membrane. Data available: Data are available as an excel file, with three spreadsheets, one for each temperature treatment. Each spreadsheet consists of three tables, one for each salinity treatment. Each salinity treatment table consists of five columns. From left to right these are; sperm : egg ratio - Sperm to egg ratio, rep. No. - replicate number, Fert. - number of fertilised eggs counted Unfert. - number of unfertilised eggs counted Mean- mean number of fertilised eggs counted

  • 1. The Excel spreadsheet titled "1_Cape Petrel Population adjusted Estimates_Table1.xlsx is population survey count data and estimates of Cape petrels in the Vestfold islands, East Antarctica in 1974 and 2017. Numbers present the number of occupied nests in each year. Adjusted data as per ICESCAPE modelling and provides a value based on attendance of Cape petrels relative to phenology, values in brackets are the lower and upper confidence intervals based on 95% confidence. No data is where there was no survey data available; however a 0 indicates the island was searched, however no breeding birds recorded at that site. Four surveys of Cape petrel breeding populations have been conducted in the Vestfold Islands: 1972-73 (Johnstone et al 1973), 1974-75 (AAD unpublished data), 2016-17 (Louise Emmerson and Anna Lashko) and 2017-18 austral summers (Kimberley Kliska and Marcus Salton). Here we refer to breeding seasons as the year eggs were laid, which was also when surveys were conducted. For example, 1972-73 breeding season spans from October 1972 until April 1973 and is referred to as 1972; 1974/75 is referred to as 1974 and 2017/18 as 2017. In 1972, numbers of occupied nests and distribution were assessed from ground surveys across the Vestfold Islands region and Cape petrels were found only in the southern half of the Vestfold Islands. In 1974, all accessible islands in this southern region were again surveyed from the ground or sea ice for Cape petrels from Bluff Island south to the Sørsdal Glacier. In addition, the ‘Northern Islands’ (Figure 1) were opportunistically searched during seal surveys conducted from 1-8th November 1974, and no sign of breeding Cape petrels were recorded (Williams, pers. comm. 2020). The 2016 survey focussed on identifying islands with cape petrels present in the south from ground-based activities, and in the north from aerial surveys. The 2017 survey focused search effort on all the islands where breeding Cape petrels were observed in 1972 and 1974. Similar to the 1974 survey, the Northern Islands were opportunistically searched for Cape petrels during seal surveys between the 5-13th December 2017, and no Cape petrels were observed. To our knowledge, no Cape petrels have been observed in the Northern Islands. We are therefore confident that this study encompasses the entire Vestfold Islands population. To assess the status and temporal change in population numbers of Cape petrels in the Vestfold Islands, datasets from the three breeding seasons were analysed, with two complete datasets, one a combination of both the 1972 and 1974 surveys and one from the 2017 survey were used in the final analysis. Three islands surveyed in the 1972 survey were not surveyed in 1974, therefore to complete the dataset for the 1974, the counts from these three islands in 1972 (Magnetic, Turner and Gardner Islands) were used to fill data gaps in 1974. The complete dataset is referred to as the 1974 dataset. Historical count data from 1972 and 1974 seasons were obtained from Johnstone et al 1973 and the Australian Antarctic Division Davis Biology species log 1974, respectively. In the 1972 survey, breeding pairs were estimated at various locations by island name and symbol shape on hand drawn maps. These symbols indicated which side of an island Cape petrels were located. In the 1974 survey breeding pairs of Cape petrels were recorded, as counted from the sea ice or by ground searching on the 17th of November and the 17th of December 1974. Locations of breeding Cape petrels were recorded with cross marks on hand drawn maps, indicating which gully or slope on an island Cape petrels were located. To ensure consistency of survey dates, both the Davis Station log book 1974 and the personal journal of Richard Williams (the biologist who undertook the survey work in 1974) were cross checked for survey dates. In the 2017 season, the survey was conducted over three days (18th, 20th and 30th of November) at all known Cape petrel breeding colonies. At each breeding colony a combination of ground searches and/or binocular counts were conducted from a vantage point on the sea ice tens of meters perpendicular away from Cape petrel breeding areas with the aim of counting all occupied nests. Occupied nests were classified as Confirmed if a bird was present at the nest and Unconfirmed if a nest was suspected but no bird observed (i.e. bowls of small pebbles and/or large amounts of guano on rocks were indicative of nests). Counts of confirmed nests were used to represent the number of occupied nests in 2017, and were considered consistent with breeding pair estimates in historic surveys. Birds observed on ledges without guano were considered loafing rather than breeding and not included in counts. The locations of breeding colonies were recorded using a combination of geographical positioning system (GPS) locations, hand-drawn maps and photographs of breeding colonies from the vantage point where counts were conducted. To compare changes between surveys, the Vestfold Island region was divided into two sections: Northern Islands and Southern Islands. The Southern Islands were further classified into three areas labelled A, B, and C. Area A is the northern part of the Southern Islands and includes Bluff, Turner, Magnetic and Gardner Islands and the Davis Station, and has the most persistent fast ice. Area B includes Hawker and Mule Islands and is further south, with intermediate fast ice duration, and Area C includes Zolotov and Kazak Islands and is furthest south, just north of the Sørsdal Glacier, and has the earliest loss of fast ice (Figure 1).To account for potential uncertainty in the population counts, we assumed the counts were within ±10% (with 95 % confidence) of the true number present. We refer to this as ‘count repeatability’. 2. Attendance data titled "2_Attendance_CapePetrels_BluffIsland_2019-2020.csv." The attendance data is derived from images taken with a remotely deployed camera at the Bluff Island Cape petrel colony near Davis station, East Antarctica. This phenology of cape petrel at this colony was used to adjust historical and contemporary population estimates of the Cape Petrel population. The .csv file includes latitude and longitude, season, calendar time and date, and an occupied nest count from the 6th of November 2019 until the 8th of March 2020. The camera data were counted by Kimberley Kliska in June 2020 as part of a project investigating the phenology of Cape petrels in this region. 3. The dataset in folders titled "1970s polygons" and "2017 polygons revised" contains boundaries of Cape petrel nesting areas at numerous breeding sites on islands off the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica, for the purpose of assessing change in the bird’s distribution between the early 1970s and 2017 (Kliska et al. 2021 manuscript in review). Nest areas were identified in the early 1970s during three surveys over three years 1972, 73 and 74, and in 2017 during one survey that year. Details of the surveys in 1970s were presented in the ANARE SCIENTIFIC REPORTS publication N. 123 ‘The Biology of the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica’ 1972-73 summer, and in the Davis Biology Species Log 1974 (included 1973-74 summer and 1974-75 summer) (the latter by Richard Williams). Details of the survey in 2017 were presented in the Seabirds Research end-of-season field report Davis 2017-18 summer (by Kim Kliska and Marcus Salton). Polygons created from the 2017 survey are published with the AADC (Emmerson and Southwell 2020). In both periods the islands were surveyed either by ground searching an area on foot or by visualising the birds from a distance with or without binoculars, and then transcribing the area with nests onto hand drawn maps. These hand drawn maps were transcribed on to spatially projected electronic maps by Marcus Salton to represent the maximal perimeter of the cape petrel nest areas. In the 1970’s surveys, the depicted nesting areas represented locations where birds were observed sitting on or next to nests (or extensive guano deposits that were indicative of a nest). Birds that were on rocks and not associated with a nest or extensive guano deposits were considered non-breeding, and areas with extensive guano deposits without birds considered inactive nests, which were both omitted from the nesting area. The polygons that had already been created from the 2017 survey (Emmerson and Southwell 2020) were modified to match this representation of nesting area, by excluding areas within inactive nests (based on recollections of Kim Kliska and Marcus Salton). Polygons were created using R computing software version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22). The spatially projected electronic maps were derived from two shapefiles from the AADC: a coastline file (‘all_coast_poly_2003.shp’ DOI) and a contour file (‘vestfold_contours.shp’ DOI). These shapefiles were projected using Azimuthal equidistant, with the centre of the study area at latitude = -68.5785 and longitude = 77.8709 for visualisation purposes. Polygons are grouped by island. Not all islands have formal names. Therefore the number system created by Southwell (2016 a, b) for a project on Adelie penguins was adopted.

  • This dataset contains the data from Voyage 7.2 1989-90 of the Aurora Australis. The observations were taken from around Heard Island between May and June 1990. The objective of the zooplankton program was to determine the composition, distribution and abundance of zooplankton with the Heard Island-Kerguelen area, thus providing information of food availability to planktivorous fish. Surveys of krill and other zooplankton were made to obtain species identity and abundance data, length and age. Euphausia valentini and Themisto gaudichaudi were found to be the dominant species in the region. Other major species included the euphausiid Thysanoessa, the copepod Rhincalanus gigas and chaetognaths of the genus Sagitta. This dataset is a subset of the full cruise.

  • Coccolithophore fluxes were investigated over a one-year period (2001-02) at the southern Antarctic Zone in the Australian Sector of the Southern Ocean at the site of the Southern Ocean Iron Release Experiment (SOIREE) near 61°S, 140°E. Two vertically moored sediment traps were deployed at 2000 and 3700 m below sea-level during a period of 10 months. In these data sets we present the results on the temporal and vertical variability of total coccolith flux, species composition and seasonal changes in coccolith weights of E. huxleyi populations estimated using circularly polarised micrographs analysed with C-Calcita software. A description of the field experiment, diatom and biogeochemical fluxes can be found in Rigual-Hernández et al. (2015), while a detailed description of sample processing and counting of coccolithophores can be found in Rigual-Hernández et al. (2018). Moreover, an explanation of the estimation of Emiliania huxleyi coccoliths using C-Calcita software can be also found in Rigual-Hernandez et al. (2018). Coccolithophore assemblages captured by the traps were nearly monospecific for Emiliania huxleyi morphotype B/C. Coccolith fluxes showed strong seasonal cycle at both sediment trap depths. The maximum coccolith export occurred during summer and was divided into two peaks in early January (2.2 x 109 coccoliths m-2 d-1 at 2000 m) and in mid-February (9.8 x 108 coccoliths m-2 d-1). Coccolith flux was very low in winter (down to ~7 x 107 coccoliths m-2 d-1). Coccolith fluxes in the deeper trap (3700 m) followed a similar pattern to that in the 2000 m trap with a delay of about one sampling interval. Coccoliths intercepted by the traps exhibited a weight and length reduction during summer. The annual coccolith weight at both sediment traps was 2.11 plus or minus 0.96 and 2.13 plus or minus 0.91 pg at 2000 m and 3700 m, respectively. Our coccolith mass estimation was consistent with previous reports for morphotype B/C in other regions of the Southern Ocean. Data available: two excel files containing sampling dates and depths, raw counts, relative abundance and fluxes (coccoliths m-2 d-1) of the coccolithophore species, and morphometric measurements of Emiliania huxleyi coccoliths made with C-Calcita software. Each file contains four spreadsheets: raw coccolith counts, relative abundance of coccolithophore species and coccolith flux of each coccolithophore species identified and E. huxleyi morphometrics. Detailed information of the column headings is provided below. Cup – Cup (=sample) number Depth – vertical location of the sediment trap in meters below the surface Mid-point date - Mid date of the sampling interval Length (days) – number of days the cup was open

  • We estimate population size in terms of the number of occupied nests for the Adélie penguin metapopulation in western Mac. Robertson Land, East Antarctica in 2009/10 and 2019/20. We also assessed demographic data from a single breeding site in the central part of this area (Béchervaise Island: 67°35'S, 62°49'E) including reproductive success, resight data, and fledgling mass from 1991/92 to 2019/20. We collated environmental covariates of potential drivers in this area over the same time period from sources described below. These are presented in the file “Time series demography and environmental covariates.xls”. Environmental covariates: Sea-ice concentration: Summer sea-ice concentration (SIC) was obtained for the area bounded by longitudes 60 - 65°E, to the south by the Antarctic coastline and the north by latitude 66.75°S. This approximately 250 km stretch of coastline incorporates the location of all Adélie penguin breeding sites across the metapopulation. The area defines the most northerly limit of fast-ice during chick rearing and encompasses the longitudinal range of the birds’ summer foraging activities. The sea-ice contained within this ‘near-shore’ region is predominantly composed of fast-ice (ice that is attached to land but covers seawater). Summer SIC was calculated as an average over the three-week period 25th December to 15th January when adults are guarding chicks for each breeding season. Winter SIC was determined in the following three areas of the penguins’ winter migratory route as defined previously. Each area was defined between specific longitudes and from 50°S south to the Antarctic coastline. The sea-ice contained within this area is composed of fast-ice near the coastline and pack-ice (all sea-ice that is not fast-ice) beyond the fast-ice edge. Two sectors defined the outward journey as they travelled westward towards their winter foraging grounds (50 - 65°E during March, and 30 - 50°E during April), a winter area (15 - 30°E during May-Jul) was considered as the sea ice became more extensive with both 15-100% SIC and 15-80% SIC which is considered more in line with suitable winter foraging ice conditions. The final area was associated with their eastwards journey towards the colony (30 - 50°E during Aug-Sep). For each area and time period, an average SIC was determined for each year in each of these areas. SIC values reflect the total area (km2) covered in sea-ice between either 15-100% or 15-80% SIC in each year and time period using 25x25km pixels. Sea-ice data were obtained from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) (Cavalieri et al. 1996) using Raadtools (Sumner 2017). Broad-scale climatic indices and local weather conditions: We determined the weather conditions during periods reflecting the end of the austral summer when the penguins were leaving their colonies (Feb-Mar) and the inter-breeding winter period (Apr-Sep). The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) were included as broad indicators of climatic conditions, and local weather conditions included air and windchill temperatures. SOI was obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology ( and SAM from the NOAA Climate Prediction Centre ( Mawson Station local weather: Local weather data recorded at Mawson Station were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. We considered two covariates: windchill and air temperatures both reported in °C. Windchill temperatures were determined from the ambient air temperature, wind speed and the relative humidity: AT= Ta +0.33e-0.7ws-4.0, where Ta is the dry bulb temperature (°C), e is the water vapour pressure (hPa), and ws is the windspeed (ms-1) at 10 m elevation. Water vapour pressure was determined from: (see the actual equation in the download file - "Emmerson_AADC Metadata Records_GCB_2022.docx" - unable to be reproduced here), where rh is the relative humidity (%). This formula follows the Australian Bureau of Meteorology calculation ( Seabird population parameters: Pre-fledging mass "adjusted.fledge.mass.5_Feb": We determined pre-fledging mass (g) of chicks on the 5th February by either measuring their mass on that date, or by standardising to that date from measurements made between the 3rd and 14th February. Total chick productivity "": Cumulative five-year total chick productivity (total chicks) was calculated for each year using total counts across Béchervaise Island from the preceding five years. This represents the cumulative pool of pre-breeders on the basis that Adélie penguins typically recruit into the breeding population between the ages of one and five years. Breeding success "bs.3.yr.ave": at Béchervaise Island was measured as the number of chicks crèched (end-January) in relation to the number of nests occupied at the start of incubation (late November and beginning of December). Units of measurement are chicks per occupied nest. Nest and chick counts were obtained annually from on-ground island-wide surveys. Because reproductive performance fluctuates dramatically across years, we calculated three-year rolling averages centred on the year of interest. Resight data: Age of first return to the colony or recruitment into the breeding population “Age first.nesting.all.6.years” were based on resights of birds in their natal colony. Marked birds were resighted via colony-wide detection from a tag reader when they were on nests. Files for each year contain data from resighting with hand-held tag readers across Béchervaise Island including date of resight and the tag number with each file named as “2003_04 resights.xls” for the resights in 2003/04 split-season for example. For resight data outside the years available in this data repository, please contact Data Custodians. Population growth rates: Circum-Antarctic population growth rates: To allow a circum-Antarctic comparison of this populations growth rate with other sites or regions, we performed a literature review of published data or growth rates for estimating a consistent metric of growth rate. Data from this search are included in this dataset along with estimates of population growth rate in this study in file “Circum-Antarctic estimates of population growth rates for Adelie penguins Figure 2.pdf”. Occupied nest counts Mac. Robertson Land: Adult counts were adjusted for phenology-related variable attendance and potential methodology bias to a standard metric (the number of occupied nests at the beginning of the incubation period). The adjustment process is described in detail in Southwell et al. (2013) and propagates the uncertainties from accounting for these biases through to the final estimate of occupied nests. Data include 1000 bootstrap estimates of occupied nests from this procedure for the Mac. Robertson Land area to standardise raw counts to the metric of occupied nests labelled as “O.N.bootstrap.estimates.2009_10” for 2009/10 and 2019/20 which we summarised with the median and 95 percentile limits. Please see manuscript for further details on the standardisation process. Data presented in file “W Mac. Robertson Land Adelie penguin population estimates.xls”. Any data use from this repository in any publication, report or presentation, should include the following acknowledgement in each data file based on the following “Data from Béchervaise Island or Mac. Robertson Land were derived from Australian Antarctic Science projects 2205, 2552, 4088, 4086 and 4518. All procedures were approved through Australian Antarctic Division animal ethics and ATEP approvals.” Please refer to the Seabird Conservation Team Data Sharing Policy for use, acknowledgement and availability of data prior to downloading data.

  • This dataset contains results from the Aurora Australis Voyage 6 1990-91. Surveys of krill and other zooplankton were taken in Prydz Bay, Antarctica between January and February 1991. Species identity and abundance data, length, age, growth rate and mortality rate data were obtained. The major species investigated were Euphausia superba, Euphausia frigidia, Euphausia crystallorophias and Thysanoessa macrura. Other pteropods and cephalopods were also studied. This dataset is a subset of the full cruise.

  • This integrated stock assessment for the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery at the Heard Island and the McDonald Islands in CCAMLR Division 58.5.2, with data until end of July 2015, is based on the best available estimates of model parameters, the use of abundance estimates from a random stratified trawl survey (RSTS), longline tag-release data from 2012-2014 and longline tag-recapture data from 2013-2015, and auxiliary commercial composition data to aid with the estimation of year class strength and selectivity functions of the trawl, longline and trap sub-fisheries.All model runs were conducted with CASAL version 2.30-2012-03-21 (Bull et al. 2012). The assessment model leads to an MCMC estimate of the virgin spawning stock biomass B0 = 87 077 tonnes (95% CI: 78 500-97 547 tonnes). Estimated SSB status in 2015 was 0.64 (95% CI: 0.59-0.69). Using this model, a catch limit of 3405 tonnes satisfies the CCAMLR decision rules. Similarly to the 2014 assessment, the projected stock remains above the target level for the entire projection period.

  • This dataset comprises counts of Adelie penguins attending breeding sites from images obtained with 20 remotely operating cameras across East Antarctica. Counts were made of adults, occupied nests and chicks every few days throughout the breeding season from October through to February. Locations of cameras are given in an associated dataset (Photographic images of seabird nesting sites in the Antarctic, collected by remote camera) which also provides the images obtained from the cameras. Please refer to the Seabird Conservation Team Data Sharing Policy for use, acknowledgement and availability of data prior to downloading data.

  • Adelie penguin foraging trip duration records for Bechervaise Island, Mawson since 1991-92. Data include average male and female foraging trip durations for both the guard and creche stages of the breeding season. Data based on records of tagged birds crossing the APMS for in and out crossings. Durations determined from difference between out and in crossings in conjunction with nest census records. Data included only for birds which were known to be foraging for a live chick. This work was completed as part of ASAC Project 2205, Adelie penguin research and monitoring in support of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Project. The fields in this dataset are: Year trip duration (hours) Mean , standard error, count and standard deviation for male and female foraging trips during guard and creche stages of the breeding season.